For the Journey

Conversation | "Biblical Roots of Justice, Mercy & Humility" | Kendrick Curry & Rich Dean

Season 3 Episode 112

This week, we share the second installment of Coracle's 2024 "Justice, Mercy & Humility" Soundings Seminar Series.  This series explores the continuing relevance of Micah 6:8’s exhortation to “act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.” 

In this week’s conversation, Bill Haley is joined by the co-chairs of the Coracle Board, Rev. Dr. Kendrick Curry and Rich Dean, to explore the deep biblical foundations of the pursuit of Justice and mercy in humility. They also unpack some of the areas where the church has fallen short of holding these three pursuits together, and they candidly discuss what steps are needed to bring healing and reconciliation.

View Our Full Archive of Soundings Seminars  |  @inthecoracle

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