For the Journey
A weekly podcast offering formation and inspiration to Christians longing for more of God in their lives and in the world. Through a regular rhythm of sermons, guided spiritual practices, thoughtful conversations, and more– we hope you are drawn more deeply into the heart of God, burning bright with love for you, so that you might shine all the brighter with God’s love as you move through our hurting world.
For the Journey
Reflection | "Learning to Hear God" | Rev. Bill Haley
We all long to hear God's particular voice to us. Wouldn't that make life in a complex world so much simpler?
As a way to enter the Lenten season well—to help us clear away the noise of our lives so that we can really discern and follow God's voice to us—we offer this sermon Rev. Bill Haley gave at The Falls Church Anglican back in 2016. Bill seeks to make the prospect of hearing and recognizing when and what God is saying to us much more approachable, drawing on Dallas Willard, Samuel, Jesus, and others along the way.
This is offered as part of Coracle's "Discernment: Hearing God in a Noisy World" Series.
Sermon Transcript
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